The Creek Collective

We’re a diverse group of interdisciplinary artists who create work in response to —and alongside — Schneider Creek in the Grand River Watershed.

We aim to spur consideration of the Creek not simply as an exploitable resource or neglected storm sewer but as a community member who is essential to life in Kitchener.

Geoff Martin, Life is Strange, 2023. Photo courtesy of the artist.
The Creek Collective acknowledges that Schneider Creek flows south through the traditional territories of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Chonnonton. The creek spills into the Grand River at Doon in the present-day city of Kitchener, which sits within the Haldimand Tract — land ten kilometers on either side of the river that was granted to the Haudenosaunee of Six Nations of the Grand River by the Haldimand Proclamation, 1784. The Creek Collective works to honour their long stewardship of this vast watershed and works against so much of the neglect and containment these waters have experienced in the course of the city’s history.
Sydney Lancaster, ripple(((day)))lighting, 2024, video still.  Photo courtesy of the artist.