The Creek Collective


By Sydney Lancaster
Video Installation outside Schneider Haus National Historical Site
May 30-June 2, 2024, 8pm-10pm

This video work is a visual collage exploring the relationships between Schneider Creek and its human and more-than-human inhabitants over time. Historical maps and archival photographs are layered and combined with video and still images shot near the path of Schneider Creek through downtown Kitchener in spring and summer 2023. The overall focus of this work is relationality, and the disruption of ideas of 'progress' and its conventional association with linear time. What the Creek has experienced in the past (especially human action impacting its health, flow, and course) still impacts it in very direct ways - and we are now becoming aware of the consequences of our actions (past and present) in relation to Schneider Creek. What we do to the Creek - like all bodies of water - we do to ourselves and all other beings.